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China Has Built 700,000 5G Base Stations, More Than Twice The Total Overseas

China Has Built 700,000 5G Base Stations, More Than Twice The Total Overseas

The China Development High-level Forum 2020 entitled "Economic Recovery and International Cooperation in the Post-epidemic Era" was held in Beijing on November 11. Liu Liehong, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said in his speech that the epidemic has accelerated the application of new technologies. This year, China has built nearly 700,000 base stations, which is more than the total of the world outside of China. It is basically More than twice the total number of 5G base stations outside of China, and the number of 5G terminal connections has now exceeded 180 million.

Previously, on October 22, the State Information Office held a press conference on the development of the industrial communications industry in the first three quarters of 2020. It was announced at the conference that as of the end of September, my country had built a total of 690,000 5G base stations, and the cumulative number of terminal connections had exceeded 160 million. Household.

China Has Built 700,000 5G Base Stations More Than Twice The Total Overseas

Speed Up 5G Terminal Research and Development

Liu Liehong said that the long duration of the epidemic, the wide scope of the epidemic, and the intensity of the impact have fully exposed the fragility of the global industrial chain and supply chain. In the past 30 years, the global economic and trade pattern has shifted from the initial market division and industrial division to the value chain division. In this process, the finer the division of labor and the tighter the chain, the higher the efficiency of resource allocation. But at the same time the supply chain will become more fragile. If any link is stuck, the entire chain will be blocked.

As countries severely affected by the epidemic contribute about 65% of the world's terminal demand, the epidemic has also caused a downturn in global consumption, reduced orders, and a decline in international trade. It can be seen that the continuous increase of the new crown epidemic has further increased the fragility of the global supply chain system Enlarged, the full recovery of the supply chain will also take a relatively long time.

At the previous 5G terminal symposium hosted by Liu Liehong on November 4, he pointed out that as one of the main directions for the development of the new generation of information and communication technology, 5G is in terms of stabilizing investment, promoting consumption, helping upgrades, and expanding new momentum for economic development. It has huge potential and is an important infrastructure for building a digital transformation of the economy and society. As an important link in the 5G industry chain, the popularization of 5G terminals is critical to the successful commercial use of 5G.

Liu Liehong puts forward three suggestions for the development of 5G terminals:

One is to accelerate the development of 5G terminals and provide users with better 5G services. To be oriented towards consumer demand, accelerate the improvement of the product performance and maturity of 5G terminals, and launch cost-effective 5G terminals.

The second is to strengthen key technology research and consolidate the foundation for the development of 5G convergence applications. Continue to promote the 5G industry chip and industry module research and development, and provide multi-form, multi-type, and multi-functional terminal products for vertical industries.

The third is to jointly build a good industrial ecology and coordinate to promote 5G application innovation. It is necessary to strengthen collaboration between the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, between the communications industry and vertical industries, and jointly carry out 5G terminal research and development, application exploration, etc., to jointly build a good ecosystem for the healthy development of 5G.

Accelerated Reconstruction of Emerging Fields

Liu Liehong said at the 2020 China Development Forum that the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation has brought a disruptive impact on many industries, and at the same time has opened up a new track, which has provided global companies and countries with a change. The opportunity for overtaking, especially in some emerging fields where technical routes and competition rules are still blank, the global industrial chain and supply chain are accelerating restructuring.

Good infrastructure has promoted many new 5G-based applications. For example, during the epidemic, 5G+ ultra-high-definition remote interactive teaching, AR/VR immersive teaching, holographic classrooms and many other new models and new models were born in the field of smart education. Format.

The Chinese government is also vigorously advancing the development of the Industrial Internet, accelerating the process of digitalization, networking, and intelligence in the manufacturing industry. It has produced new functions such as smart production, personalized customization, network collaboration, service extension, and digital management. Industrial software companies and industrial control companies provide good market opportunities.

Orderly Opening Up Value-added Telecommunications Services

Liu Liehong said that through the establishment of a new open economic system, the system will promote the integration of factor advantages and institutional advantages, and strive to achieve openness to promote institutional innovation. He revealed that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will also open value-added telecommunications services (including data centers and cloud services) in an orderly manner. First, pilot projects will be conducted in free trade zones such as Shanghai and Hainan. Continue to do a good job in stabilizing foreign investment, support foreign companies to invest and start businesses in China, and further promote the resumption of foreign-funded projects and enterprises, and all service policies are equally applicable to domestic and foreign companies. On the other hand, it actively follows the general trend of global scientific and technological innovation cooperation, implements a more open, inclusive, and mutually beneficial international scientific and technological cooperation strategy, and more actively integrates into the global innovation network.

In addition, he also said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will enhance the technological innovation capabilities of enterprises in the future, continue to adhere to the enterprise as the main body, promote the construction of manufacturing innovation centers, solve common problems in the industry, serve leading enterprises in innovative industries, and give full play to these enterprises. We have advantages in major technology research and development, technology integration, and promotion of industrialization. In some special professional fields, we will also cultivate a group of innovative, specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises and hidden champion companies, and encourage the development of venture capital, information services, Innovative service-oriented enterprises such as technology transactions, talent services, mergers and acquisitions financing.

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